Housing Rehab Update

The Housing Rehab Program got a delayed start in 2020 with the onset of the Covid-19 virus.  All housing rehab work was put on hold until a clear definition emerged from the State and local governments regarding safety protocols.  Once these guidelines were established, exterior work was permitted for the first four months of the year, then interior was approved only after every local Board of Health was contacted to review our safety protocols and obtain authorization for this work.  Since these safety protocols have been put in place, the Housing Rehab Program has successfully undertaken 15 projects to date with no virus contamination for the homeowners or contractors.

Considering the difficult start for the program, Housing Rehab is currently experiencing good success.  There were four projects that had very serious repairs which were completely restored to acceptable living conditions with new roofs, siding, windows, two heating systems, and two septic systems. A total of 15 projects received funding under the the FY19 Grant, with two additional projects pending review.

Senior households served:  10 households / 16 beneficiaries
Households receiving lead paint remediation:  4
Households receiving septic repair assistance:  5
Households receiving handicap accessibility assistance:  3
Households receiving heating systems:  5

Applications for 2021 are now being accepted - Apply Today! Eligible applicants are low-moderate income households in Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Peru, Plainfield, Williamsburg, or Worthington. Typical services include replacement roofs, siding, windows/doors, updating electrical and plumbing, installing handicap accessible ramps and baths, replacing failed wells, septic systems, and remediating lead paint hazards. 

BEFORE: Wood siding deteriorated

BEFORE: Wood siding deteriorated

AFTER: New vinyl siding installed to protect the home and provide greater insulation.

AFTER: New vinyl siding installed to protect the home and provide greater insulation.

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